Sapphire, the young woman at the counter was ABSOLUTELY wonderful. She was very kind and attentive. When I had a problem with the 1st assigned room she immediately got me into another and apologized for any inconvenience it brought to me. A little kindness goes a long way,we were in town for family business that was very sad for us so her sweetness helped.
Temmuz 2023
Everything have stayed before and will stay every time I go to the area. Great walk area for evening and morning The Lisa at the desk and Lisa in housekeeping were the icing on the cake of the at home feel I've come to love and expect !! Can't wait to stay over again
Mayıs 2023
front desk employees were very cordial but checked in at 3 pm then received a call after 10:30 pm I was told I was not checked in correctly so wasn’t checked in at all. Another person checked me in then but my confirmation for $136/night was changed on my credit card bill to over $193!! I still have not seen a refund on my card.
Nisan 2023
Location is very close to both downtown and the university - just a couple of minutes by car. Good rates for what you get, including breakfast and other facilities. My room was clean and large. Despite being near a highway the soundproofing kept the rooms quiet.
Nisan 2023
breakfast was good.
Eylül 2023
Front desk person was super nice and helpful. The suite with 2 beds and a couch was really nice. Very roomy.
Mart 2023
Loved everything! Location, quiet, clean, incredible staff. Beyond expectation. I had a noisy neighbor above me and the staff member was EXCEPTIONAL in not only handling them, but being gracious to me. ❤️❤️❤️
Ocak 2023
The hotel was easy to find and not far from many nice restaurants. The night clerk was very hospitable and directed us to a nice place to have dinner.
Temmuz 2022
the pool was very much appreciated after a day driving, the room we stayed in was huge. the lady at the reception provided tips on food to be ordered in the area and was very nice.
Nisan 2023
I liked the hot tub, the breakfast, the comfy bed and pillows and quality of the comforter and sheet softness. Lots of channels on TV! The front desk people were top notch friendly and helpful and anticipated any potential needs. Plenty of free parking. Happy with selection of restaurants that deliver.
Aralık 2021